Alice Ripley
New Year’s Day
Violet, I love you
I don't know how else to say it
I want you to be my wife
I dream of you sharing my life
What are you waiting for?
What's so hard?
I'm caught by surprise
Caught off-guard
Never trusted good times or success
Now I'm trusting my heart
I'm saying yes, Buddy!
I'll marry you
We've got heavenly nights to share
Heavenly nights to share
Shooting stars to outshine
Shooting stars
And our shot at the moon
Can't miss or ricochet
Let's make it public
For New Year's Day
What about a big double wedding?
Oh, what a splendid display
Could it be that's where we're heading?
Time to welcome New Year's Day
We've got rosy red days ahead
Under dreamy blue cloudless sky
We've got years of bliss
To kiss away each day
Here's to the good times
We're on our way
Love is the lead-in
We've got rosy red days ahead
Under dreamy blue cloudless sky
As the old year wanes
Love will lead the way
Here's to a new love
May it be true love
One-made-from-two love
For New Year's Day
For New Year's Day
For New Year's Day