Once, I was full of ideas...
Just a boy with endless dreams!
Once I felt passionate for the art!
So, it seemed...
Then, one day I made "I'M DEAD!"
And it hit 6 million views!
So now there's nothing else for me to choose...
I have to make a DanTDM remix
I need to make it bad...
I have to make a DanTDM remix
Or all my subscribers will be sad!
He has to make a DanTDM remix
He needs to play it smart!
He has to make a DanTDM remix
So shut it will all your "But my art!"
Listen up!
I'm telling the truth!
Take it as you please!
It's not like I don't like it!
Not at all!
I'm grateful, as can be!
But what's a guy to do?
I mean, it gets the views
And it pays for me to be...
Creatively free!
I have to make a DanTDM remix
I need to make it-
Enough, enough, Endigo!
Those DanTDM remixes ain't gonna make themselves!
Come on!
Enough of this nonsense!