Willy Russell
Summer Sequence
There's a few bob in your pocket
And you've got good friends
And it seems that summer's never coming to an end
Young, free, and innocent
You haven't got a care
Apart from deciding on the clothes you're gonna wear
The street's turned into paradise
The radio's singing dreams
You're innocent, immortal, you're just fifteen
And who dare tell the lambs in spring
What fate the later seasons bring?
Who'd tell the girl in the middle of the pair
The price she'll pay for just being there?
But leave 'em alone!
Let 'em go and play
They care not for what's at the end of the day
For what is to come, for what might've been
Life has no ending when you're sweet sixteen
And your friends are with ya to talk away the night
Or until Mrs Wong switches off the chippy light
Then there's always the corner and the streetlamp's glare
And another hour to spend with your friends, with her
To share your last cigarette and your secret dream
At the midnight hour, at seventeen