No Jumper
The Dax Interview
Dax has gained over a million subscribers on YouTube off the strength of his music and his viral marketing expertise. I got him in the studio for a chat and learned a lot. Most importantly we discussed Fouseycon at length. Enjoy!
1:05 where you from
3:09 poetry
5:36 getting into rap
7:31 going viral
11:24 secret to going viral
12:48 KSI beef
20:34 putting out songs
22:34 Fousey Con
25:01 your
27:31 being drug free
30:01 stopping basketball
35:23 food
37:48 projects
39:00 being a janitor
41:15 car blowing up
43:32 random Dax fax
48:30 blue face
49:43 last words