Howard Rambsy II
The February 10, 2008, Black Cartoonists Sketch In
On February 10, 2008, a group of African American comic strip artists participated in a sketch in, where they coordinated their various comic strips to address racial biases inherent in comic strip pages of the newspaper industry. The artists were troubled that the newspaper industry seemed to view black comic strips as interchangeable; thus, editors would only run one or two comic strips by non-white artists. In addition, readers would rarely demand more racial diversity in newspaper comics.

In order to bring attention to such oversight, artists Darrin Bell and Cory Thomas organized an illustrated act of solidarity among African American cartoonists to highlight problematic actions of newspapers and readers concerning their views of comic strips featuring people of color.

The sketch in initially involved 8 cartoonists: Jerry Craft Mama's Boyz; Darrin Bell’s Candorville ; Cory Thomas’s Watch Your Head; Steve Bentley’s Herb and Jamaal; Charlos Gary’s Cafe Con Leche and Working It Out; Steve Watkins’s Housebroken; Keith Knight’s The K Chronicles; and editorial cartoonist Tim Jackson. Later, the sketch in also included Lindsay Totty’s The Mainstream and Lalo Alcaraz’s La Cucaracha.

For the sketch in, the participating artists duplicated a strip created by Thomas. In versions of the strip, the artists present an overlapping satirical take on the idea that newspaper editors and readers too often view black comic strips as interchangeable.

Some of the strips directly reference Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks, which had unprecedented attention as a comic strip and television show. As a result, audiences were sometimes inclined, the sketch in artists implied, to unfairly view any other black comic strip as a “rip-off” of McGruder’s comic strip.

The illustrations:
- Cory Thomas’s Watch Your Head sketch
- Jerry Craft Mama's Boyz sketch
- Darrin Bell’s Candorville sketch
- Steve Bentley’s Herb and Jamaal sketch
- Charlos Gary’s Cafe Con Leche sketch
- Steve Watkins’s Housebroken sketch
- Keith Knight’s The K Chronicles sketch
- Tim Jackson’s sketch