Kimiko Glenn
Before You Go
This will take just a minute
This will only take a second of your time
I see you're heading out, but need I remind you
That we haven't technically said goodbye, yet

Just-a-wait for a moment
Centaurworld has rules by which we must abide
Little things to do before you leave our side
Like magic-ing a bunch of tiny teapots
Because teapots are a thing that everybody needs, right?

[HORSE, spoken]

So, before you go, you kind of owe
A little bit of quality time with your friends
Who likely won't see you again

[HORSE, spoken]
But I-

Oh, before you go, therе are a few traditions
Bobs-and-bits and kindnessеs to show, like-
[HORSE, spoken]

Haha, yes, haha, yes like uhhh...
Farewell toasts in secret places, all while making tiny faces
Catching giant fishtaurs in the stream (using Ched as bait)

[CHED, spoken]
I did not agree to this

We choreograph our friendship dances
Group crochets and bye-bye prances
Sewing tiny hats while journalling our dreams

[HORSE, spoken]
Wammawink, I've gotta go!

Ye-ye-ye-yeah but there's, like... more?

[HORSE, spoken]

Decorating gigglecakes, magic-ing a jelly lake
Something-something, I dunno, whatever
We make burnt offerings to Trebbor
[HORSE, spoken]
Who is Trebbor?

He's like a friend or something
Then we shoot tiny versions of ourselves from our hooves

[HORSE, spoken]
Uh, okay, I'm just gonna start walking this way

And so, before you go-oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho
Just thought you'd want to know, that
Some of us have not accepted that you're leaving
And they're not prepared for grieving

[WAMMAWINK, spoken]
I am going to miss you so much, Horse

[HORSE, spoken]
I know, I'm gonna miss you too