En yu kay!!
That's what I usually say
Life’s hard sometimes, it’s also groovy baby
Got balls cut a sample from a movie
Set examples not excuses I’ve been dancin' like a fool
And I’ve been baggin' legal drugs gotta say my life is cool..
Smell coffee I cover my hands often, I'm lookin' at canned soda, drink espresso like a grown up...
But let me digress, close friends I got life’s best, chicken wings and a nice breast, got a plate for me chillin' and I’m lovin' that my nikcufahtum life’s blessed
I don't mean to be so mean when I'm slight stressed, Enyukay Oh Elohim but im not Jewish. I believe that God’s all around and all through us, life’s all about your dreams you just gotta do it
Trademarked by Enyukay 2017