Emily Dickinson
Letter 333 (autumn 1869) Susan Gilbert Dickinson
To take away our Sue leaves but a lower World, her firmamental quality our more familiar Sky.

It is not Nature - dear, but those that stand for Nature.

The Bird would be a soundless thing without Expositor. Come Home and see your Weather. The Hills are full of Shawls, and I am going every Day to buy myself a Sash.

Grandma moans for Neddie, and Austin's face is soft as Mist when he hears his name. Tell "Dexter" I miss his little team.

I humbly try to fill your place at the Minister's, so faint a competition, it only makes them smile.

Mattie is stern and lovely - literary, they tell me - a graduate of Mother Goose and otherwise ambitious.

We have a new man whose name is Tim.

Father calls him "Timothy" and the Barn sounds like the Bible.

Vinnie is still on her "Coast Survey" and I am so hurried with Parents that I run all Day with my Tongue abroad, like a Summer Dog.

Tell Mattie for me glad little Girl is safe, and congratulate minor little Girl on her priceless Mama.

