The Whip
I met a murder of crows on an open road
And gave them every one a name
And everywhere that I went from there
Those crows appeared

I fed them bread and I fed them rice
I tried to take refuge
They hungered still on my window sill
And they sang all night

Seemed I alone kept them alive
My charities they seemed endless
Feeding time those crows
Would form a single line

To appease them at a higher price
I laid myself outside
Those crows aimed down and fearful
I just closed mine eyes

My sight was not returned to me
Yet every crow remained
They light my way with that song
They sing like friends of mine

I met a murder of crows on an open road
And gave them every one a name
Now if I don't feed them they don't lead
Have you seen me?

I met a murder of crows on an open road
And gave them every one a name
And everywhere that I went from there
Those crows appeared