Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Two Round Spaces on the Tombstone
 The Devil believes that the Lord will come,
 Stealing a march without beat of drum,
About the same time that he came last,
On an Old Christmas-day in a snowy blast:
Till he bids the trump sound neither body nor soul stirs,
For the dead men's heads have slipt under their bolsters.
 Oh! ho! brother Bard, in our churchyard,
 Both beds and bolsters are soft and green;
 Save one alone, and that's of stone,
 And under it lies a Counsellor keen.
'Twould be a square tomb, if it were not too long;
And 'tis fenced round with irons sharp, spear-like, and strong.
This fellow from Aberdeen hither did skip
With a waxy face and a blubber lip,
And a black tooth in front, to show in part
What was the colour of his whole heart.
   This Counsellor sweet,
   This Scotchman complete,
   (The Devil scotch him for a snake!)
   I trust he lies in his grave awake.
     On the sixth of January,
 When all around is white with snow,
 As a Cheshire yeoman's dairy,
   Brother Bard, ho! ho! believe it, or no,
 On that stone tomb to you I'll show
 Two round spaces void of snow.
I swear by our Knight, and his forefathers' souls,
That in size and shape they are just like the holes
 In the house of privity
 Of that ancient family.
On those two places void of snow,
There have sat in the night for an hour or so,
Before sunrise, and after cock-crow,
He kicking his heels, she cursing her corns,
All to the tune of the wind in their horns,
 The Devil and his Grannam,
 With a snow-blast to fan 'em;
Expecting and hoping the trumpet to blow,
For they are cock-sure of the fellow below