William Shakespeare
All’s Well That Ends Well Act 5 Scene 1
SCENE I. Marseilles. A street.

Enter HELENA, Widow, and DIANA, with two Attendants

But this exceeding posting day and night
Must wear your spirits low; we cannot help it:
But since you have made the days and nights as one,
To wear your gentle limbs in my affairs,
Be bold you do so grow in my requital
As nothing can unroot you. In happy time;

Enter a Gentleman

This man may help me to his majesty's ear,
If he would spend his power. God save you, sir.

And you.

Sir, I have seen you in the court of France.

I have been sometimes there.

I do presume, sir, that you are not fallen
From the report that goes upon your goodness;
An therefore, goaded with most sharp occasions,
Which lay nice manners by, I put you to
The use of your own virtues, for the which
I shall continue thankful.

What's your will?

That it will please you
To give this poor petition to the king,
And aid me with that store of power you have
To come into his presence.

The king's not here.

Not here, sir!

Not, indeed:
He hence removed last night and with more haste
Than is his use.

Lord, how we lose our pains!

All's well that ends well yet,
Though time seem so adverse and means unfit.
I do beseech you, whither is he gone?

Marry, as I take it, to Rousillon;
Whither I am going.

I do beseech you, sir,
Since you are like to see the king before me,
Commend the paper to his gracious hand,
Which I presume shall render you no blame
But rather make you thank your pains for it.
I will come after you with what good speed
Our means will make us means.

This I'll do for you.

And you shall find yourself to be well thank'd,
Whate'er falls more. We must to horse again.
Go, go, provide.
