William Shakespeare
Pericles, Prince of Tyre Act 2 Scene 5
SCENE V. Pentapolis. A room in the palace.
Enter SIMONIDES, reading a letter, at one door: the Knights meet him
First Knight
Good morrow to the good Simonides.
Knights, from my daughter this I let you know,
That for this twelvemonth she'll not undertake
A married life.
Her reason to herself is only known,
Which yet from her by no means can I get.
Second Knight
May we not get access to her, my lord?
'Faith, by no means; she has so strictly tied
Her to her chamber, that 'tis impossible.
One twelve moons more she'll wear Diana's livery;
This by the eye of Cynthia hath she vow'd
And on her virgin honour will not break it.
Third Knight
Loath to bid farewell, we take our leaves.