Greed Regime Inc.
Get what you can get while the gettingís gotten good
Command your god machine today, greeds are understood
Believe you shall, believe I must, in faith I put my trust
Cosmic jeanie in the sky, itís riches that I lust
Faith...in Greed...in Lust...in Lies
Healing it is guaranteed if you give today
Your god machine is powerless unless you plant your seed
The suffering lack in faith in their sins they will burn
As I sit in luxury with the gifts that I have earned
Faith...in Greed...in Lust...in Lies
Greed Regime it wants you now, promises you gold
Greed Regime Calls you in, if youíll sell you soul
The Greed Regime it gives to get, religion for a dream
A Cultic Scheme Is calling out, Indulgence is my name
Like Robin Hood of old, but in the opposite
Steel from the poor to get rich and buy expensive cars
I'll feed of their needs and insecurities
Increase in your faith when you give your cash to me
Just think about your faith my friend,who do you put it in?
Do you love for what you get or just for who He is?
Can we reduce Almighty God to (an) indulgent Santa Clause?
Jehovah God will not be mocked, He doesn't live by our laws!