Sufjan Stevens
Meet for hot ones
The next day we meet for coffee
Just me and Kenny
And God, it's like, you know, no time had passed
Like a couple of nine-year-olds just not shutting up
But he was wearing this bizarre outfit
He had a bandana on with shutter shades
A long earing that had a rabbit foot dangling
Just, you know, full Kenny Dennis
But I just couldn't beat around the bush anymore
I said, yo, look, I gotta know what happened
So, he goes right into hearing about the news of Jules' plane crash
This is in 1993
And I guess he flew down to South America to see the remains
And it just gave him this like, psychotic break
And he couldn't believe she was dead
His brain just like malfunctioned
And it didn't hit him until like years later
When Jules' sister Stace moved back into town
And then the reality just hit him like a brick
So, he packed up, drove to Minnesota and started over
He was kinda downtrodden for some years
Shaved off the stache, worked weird anonymous jobs, you know
And then one day some shoes were accidentally delivered to his apartment
They were intended for the fella I dropped the note off to
And that was the same day that he officially met Elaine
And here we are
And I didn't fully understand much of what he said
But, he was like, that's the past, great to see me, I'm doing great
He starts goin gone about how he's annoyed by Sophia always trying to get information on him
And how he and Elaine are perfect because they don't talk about the past
I don't know
But, he thanked me for coming
He kept talking about how good the coffee was
And I was like, am I leaving? we're talking coffee
But, whatever, we hugged
And he smelled fucking amazing
Which is new, he usually was a little funky
But, it was good to see him
And I peaced out and left to pack my bags