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Racing Site There are even suspicions that the US is causing a'map war'. Global giants 10 years, Korea map real ulterior motive in seeking the data is what
◇ Google "new businesses, such as autonomous car in various location-based services, promote data collection purposes,"
Google in the last two days on the territory of Transportation under the National Geographic Information Institute first as foreign operators , Submitted an application for export of domestic map data. It is quite different from the internet horse racing website that only tried to determine the intention to export through Kim & Chang after being refused to export map data in 2007
"Quick service based on map information and data from all over the world in case of emergency Google's justification is that data should be distributed and stored in the center
"The ban on the export of Korea's map data to Internet racing sites causes Google's route guidance service to be unavailable, causing inconvenience to foreign tourists visiting Korea," Google claims. This time, reasons such
As'Activation of the Winter Olympics', an internet racing site that will be held in Pyeongchang two years later, were added