Show Time

Hook: (Noaksey)
I live a sheltered life.... -Like; ''Who doesn't''?
-Who's bluffing?; & Acting tough; in-a-game;
That we've made; For ourselves; But, -
-STILL -Choose-To?... -Do-nothing! ... (x2)

Verse 1: (Noaksey)
See this worlds so hopeless.. (Oh?)
-Has anyone noticed? ( )
-Shit ... (So)

Me? -I just sit and roll spliffs; And, -
-Maybe even hit the sniff untill; my
Nose splits; But.. ( What?)

-Is what I feel - real; or, is it? .... ( Well?)
...... Is it? ( Really?)
...... Damn! .... (I'm Thinking)

Did Coke-Kill; 'Cobane' or Was-It-His-Lyrics?
Was-It-The-Physics Behind The Cause-Of-Existence.. ?
Which - is; Forcing Itself-To-Implode; But?....
At-The Same-Time STILL Shows; -Us?.... -Resistance!! ( No)

If-It-IS That Simple; Then, WHY-Is There Solar-With-System?
When-It-IS Actually the SAME One WE All Live-In.... ( Huh)
.................... -Or-Am-I-Thinking A-Little-To-Distant... ( Narh?)
-I Look-Back; ................ -Not-Sure-That-I-Listened..

Hook: (Noaksey)
I live a sheltered life.... -Like; ''Who doesn't''?
-Who's bluffing?; & Acting tough; in-a-game;
That we've made; For ourselves; But, -
-STILL -Choose-To?... -Do-nothing! ... (x1)

Verse 2: (Noaksey)
I; Wish, -I; Could, rewind; So
-I, Knew; The, Life; That, -I'd-Be, -Living; (Now)
..... See... (Churst )

I; heard, The old me will die.. ( Rah)
& The new me will Be-Re-Formed..
It's something to do with dimensions... (& Time) .....

Cos only with sanctions; Come....
-Rewards.. (Thats why )

There; Can, Never-Be; Two...
-Two; Of-The; Same; Minds, -In-It.. ( Indifferent)
IT Is an 'Iffy' - Decision; But, -
-STILL-Something I am willing.. -To - Try! .. ( In life)

Isnt the sudden rush; Just, -Like that feeling when you jump?
And realised that you didn't judge; And, -What comes next??

If the air is all you touch; But not according to some;
-Some, -Are fooled; Into, -Falling-With-Thoughts; Of, -Support and trust!

-But, It's sad cos We'll never really know what happened!
Plus our brains couldn't favoum the damage; Anyway, -
-They'd be crashing, -And so; We will never .. know why; -
-We'll just settle for applause; And, Awards until it's show time!

Hook: (Noaksey)
I live a sheltered life.... -Like; ''Who doesn't''?
-Who's bluffing?; & Acting tough; in-a-game;
That we've made; For ourselves; But, -
-STILL -Choose-To?... -Do-nothing! ... (x1)

Verse 3: (Noaksey)
Please; -Give me a reason too.. After, -
-All of the shit that we've been through-
-I can see-through-you... -Put; your,-
-Faith in me; -I'll believe in you!

& Wait patiently for the 'season 2' -But-In,-
-6 months time; -You'll decide; That, ''I'm leaving you''
I don't need to be Free; Just me and you; ( Speaker)

Are you receiving loud and clear
I Uploaded my past to the cloud last year; so
-When I have doubts or fears; I, -
-Know; My heart and soul; are, -Always around and near! ( Close..)

It's almost; As-If-My, Past stays paused;
So, Untill i pull the plug; Or, Cord; From the wall;
It can all; stay locked in my thoughts for a scource; Of
Remorse for this world & Our live's tortured course! ( Im scorn)

I bet I regret,- I didn't record as much; The less i forget
I was sure enough; My, thoughts; Would
Store it up; but, It seems ive forgotton the important stuff ( Why!)
But remembered all of the boring ones

Hook: (Noaksey)
I live a sheltered life...... ''Who doesn't''?
-Who's bluffing?; & Acting tough; in-a-game;
That we've made; For ourselves; But, -
-STILL -Choose-To?... -Do-nothing! ... (x2)