
I'm feeling a bit weird today...

(erghhh!) that cofee was bare grimey blud..
Like.. who the fuck has a pre made cofee?!!? (hahahaha)
Wouldn't it get cold? (bellend..)
(real talk)

Verse 1;
Let me merk this; reworked and reworded...
I guess my mind's let go; so, cursed its; left
Holes in my soul; And, tolls on the surface;
See hoes in the roads; have to pay for the service;
Poor shits..... -I sew; stones
In-my-clothes; so, Im not; pulled into orbit!
An awfully awkward; self trained surgeon;
Walking towards; untoward; onto wards..

Putting patients on floors; locked the doors;
Am I crazy? -of course! think this is mad; just
Wait for the chorus; never married; when its over?
Ill-be-raped in divorce; run, down my ex while sober;
And taken to courts; For, numerous offences;
Whys paying child sport so damn expensive?
All these fucking drugs must be killing off my senses..
Giving sensus; adressess; is senseless!

This is not me actually spitting; listen, the facts are what's-missing;
In fact; it's factually written; dont care; well that's your-decision.........
Life is for living; even-if-I am-sinning....
I am charlie sheen; and im winning!
Ill summarise-simply if my point isn't got.....
If I died and went to hell atleast im somewhere that's hot
If you still can't tell's cos; I never said alot;
Reason why; I, won't mind; cos its, somewhere that your not!

Yo! hold up a second fam..
What you saying?
Narh that ain't a crow blud..

Verse 2;
Ahhh! its that don...
Niknaks on...... paddywack; a man; like
I hit that bong; mis fit kid; with a;
Mix matched song; fans on their knees; needing;
Shin pads on-im a bit tad wrong;
Fuck! i mean tad bit; oh well fuck it ima;
Fix it in the adlib; mad kid; mad teen;
Mad man; (ill)... a choked out batman!
(Rawness!) ..... I get stoned; So-I; dont
Have to feel awkward!
(naked!)fake kids; wastekids;
Casey? (spaceship! hahahaha!)
If fatty made a mill; then he could afford a facelift;
Be a pussy still; cah, young star takes dick!
Dicks fuck pussys blud... so!
Ima be a dickhead and fuck this pussy fully up!

Like hypa did curtis.... (PAR!)
Never no need to reword a bar!
(dickhead!) ... learn to bar!
Remember when you spat and i turned and laughed?
This is; not to get twisted;
The people i listed; are disses to themselves..
It is; known to be convicted;
For raping cd's and printing them to sell!

Verse 3;
This pent-up rage that's inside I will vent it;
From the bottom of my heart; to, the end of my pen tip;
I must insist; to, list, a couple pricks;
Everyone I know; thinks, alla of these are shit!
For instance skitz; Got, rude to me on facebook..
Kept me as a friend just to check how my face looks!
Class this as hating least; I've got the balls to say it..
Truthfully; worlds worst spitter is suzey...

Call him panda; who's only ever answer; is
Take pity on my lifes-been-hard-I had cancer..
Think that was deep; it was shallow-er than how; can
I be-allowed; To, say this out-loud; cause
Once I was lost; but, now I am­-found!
I own the name; of, Realest spitter around!
Know I would; knowingly, spit on your face..
Before I even think; to, spit on the ground!

Girls're feeling my bass; and, when you have a taste;
Won't be able to wait; for, the time it takes;
For-my - next - mix - tape - to - come - out..
Love me or hate me ill still gather a crowd;
Rate me or snake me I will never be down
And yes... this is as sick as it sounds...
No shadow of doubt; kings'd kill for my crown..
'Hi I'm Noaksey I'm a cunt and I'm proud' !