There’s a Unique Smell in the Pigpen
Welcome to hell baby
Tears of joy
Fuck fuck
Fuck, tell me I’m okay
I’m a mess, but display
Your fears that I’m “one of the gays”
Ooof ooof
Came out once but I went back in
That you see my peace twisted up like a fucking sin
I’ll play my grandmother’s baby grand
Cause I fucking can
Y’all making me a golden child
On the fucking stand
I’m full of spite
And I’m right when I’m on the mend
But I attempted to kill myself once
I ain’t afraid to do it again
What is my cris de cœur?
A new smell in the pigpen
Nothing more
Throat sore
All cocked like a fucking whore
Bastard boy
Lighted up in the front
Crawling out to be stolen, yet
I fell asleep in the hunt
Buy me out like a product
Family credit for profit
Feeling like I’m a prophet
Thrashing me not all modest
What the fuck you expect?
Repeat my grievance for audit
Things be turning exotic
So they shove me back in the closet