Paper Thin
To be recorded.. soundcloud audio provided is the original Fortunes. song with the same title )

Ghastly gas leaks in the gas mask
No one escapes the last act
Viper gets his skull crushed at the last laugh
Taking off the hazamat
The spirit's immortal
Ya gotta grasp that
You forgot we the antidote
Sittin eatin cantaloupe
World can't cope take the mask off
Jesus rose
He spoke
Breath of life power to power through any strife


Jesus gave his life
In the same sentence
A criminal is forgiven

The Line is paper thin its written
It is written
The Line is paper thin its written
It is written

Jesus is resurrected
The stone that the builders rejected
Just being religious on paper's paper thin
Its tearable
The Word should be wearable shareable and edible credible
The Line is paper thin its written
It is written

Lukewarned you have been forewarned
The line seems paper thin when you
Riding the fence sin ridden
The preacher preachin to the choir
Im in the choir preachin to within myself
I need help
Watch my health
Not sittin on the shelf
I write to gain the power and confidence to speak life to fight

The Line is paper thin its written
It is written
The Line is paper thin its written
It is written