Laughing Stock
I revelled in the news of your botched suicide
Seemed such fitting fortune that you should die twice
But my sense of vengeance withered and withdrew
When I saw what remained ushered into the room:
A fun house reflection of
The sadistic, strapping thug that was
Diapered, deformed and drooling through
That simpering smile
That puerile grin for the camera crew
I stared long and hard, but I could find no trace
Of the piece of human shit that tortured, killed and raped
Shidane Arone
Wrong time, wrong place
He was 16 years old
They say you reap what you sow
And sometimes I force myself to rifle through
The images so I believe that, too
The fool seeks retribution, the fool leaves seeking penitence
Forgive me
I know not what I do
Laughing stock