Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin
WTF, You Guys
As you know, The President took a number of questions earlier, so we're going to keep this short today, and with that I'll get started

Sarah, how can the president defend his cruel immigration policies?
Sarah, is it true that you will soon be replaced by David Hasslehoff?
Sarah, what about the Russi-
(Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah)

Hey, Sarah, I love your shoes!
Did you hear the news?
They revoked Paul Manafort's bail
He's Trump's former campaign chair
Mm, I like your hair!
Will the special counsel prevail?
He'll prob'ly rot in jail

Hey girl, there's one thing you've skipped
Micheal Cohen's flipped
Well, not yet, but Donald thinks that he may
Plus, Justin is over him
Since he got with Kim
I think they're dating now, and, oh by the way
This all happened yesterday