Tim Kasher
The Safest Sex
The safest sex I ever had was with a hooker
No commitment, no deceit, just a small disease I soon got over
Oh, but love's incurable
I mean, it comes and goes but it never leaves for good

The smartest sex I ever had was with my hand
We both knew when we were through, we weren't making any plans
Oh, but we knew we'd meet again
And through the years we've managed to stay friends

Oh no, oh yeah

The simplest sex I ever had was anonymous
No names and faces, just dates and places, yeah, just a quick procedural service
We both got what we need
So why on earth would we ever disagree?

Yeah but

The wildest sex I ever had was on the phone
Yeah I was James Dean, I was Marlon Brando, I was Marilyn Monroe
Oh and you, you were Nina Simone
That entire night I held my ear to your piano

Oh no, oh yeah

The only sex I ever want I already had
As the summer sets on my libido, my loins are summoned by the past
Nostalgia drives us mad
And visions of our youth hardly clad

I guess I'll always be a kid
But the candy store is closed
The greatest sex I'll ever know
Was years and years ago

Do do do do do do do do do