Gimme My Gots
(tongue rolls)
How he eat it from the back
(tongue rolls)
You wanna ram it in my cat
(mixing then beat starts)
Or Slash
Gimme them gots
No Slash gimme my gots
(Gots x30)

Eat it from the
Eat it from the
Eat it
Eat it
Eat it
Eat from the back

Or Slash

Eat it from the
Eat it from the
Eat it
Eat it
Eat it
Eat it from the back

Or Slash

Wanna ram it in my cat

Or Slash

Ram it in my
Ram ram
Ram it in my
Ram ram
Wanna ram it (in my cat) (x9)

No Slash

Gimme my gots

Got (x20) ( background x oh yeah they mad)

No Slash gimme my gots

Got (x30)

I'm not even take the [?] for that one

You hoes better break yo back

Gimme my gots

Slash hold my beat!

Or Slash gimme my gots

(Got x30)