High Opinions (skit)
Intro: (introducing a bill that will end marijuana prohibition)
Crack fucked up the world
Marijuana: i guess i'll start by saying that i think that there are good drugs and bad drugs and its time we started differentiating between the two
Crack: exactly,we are drugs man so lets stop the insanity you know and finally legalise crystal meth
Marijuana: thats a horrible idea
Crack: well,no but but for medical reasons of course
Marijuana: medical meth ?
Crack: yeah,man if the doctor say it helps cures gout than why not let grandma gack out on some tweek yo know
Marijuana: ok no doctor has ever said that
Crack: shhhh ohhhhh shhhhhh did you hear that do you hear that right now?oh my god what is that? what is that? oh god wait thats my heart thats my heart wow thats loud
Marijuana: your made out of battery acid and drain cleaner
Crack: hey man can i trust you because i think the government is against me
Marijuana: they should be
Crack: the cia has an army of spies watching me 24/7 and thats why i hide in the bushes infront of my house every night with a stake knife
Marijuana: folks this is exactly what im talking about meth makes you paranoid and crazy unlike pot which is totally safe
Crack: safe? that stuff takes away Ur motivation i mean do you even have a job like me breaking down boxes at the safe way 17/18 hours a day no you dont
Marijuana: ok,hold on a second,i need water quick water
Crack: cumin bro look dont you wana have sex with stranges in truck stop bathrooms for money how great does that sound
Oh god my tooth fell out
Marijuana: dont you want to go to a fish concert
Crack: nooooooooo nobody wants to go to a fish concert
Marijuana: no one wants to suck trucker dicks for money
Crack: and i thought you where cool you where the gateway drug
Marijuana: hey cumon,im still illegally on a Federal level see,ok the states made me legal but the federal gov and the epa where like,wait no the DEA was......
Crack: the cia is behind everything them and the masons and its all conected bro and they are always watching us so ain't nothing we can do because they know everything u get what im saying
Marijuana: wait what where we talking about?
Crack: i need to borrow 25000 from you or someone you know
Marijuana: why do you....
Crack: can you make that happen
Marijuana: no i absolutely not
Crack: i neeed you to burn down my sister inlaws house tonight
Marijuana: (laughing) what?
Crack: tonight and its got to be tonight
Marijuana:why,why does it have to be tonight
Crack: and i can't explain anything else to you
Marijuana: ok,i should just let you talk cause ur soft of digging ur on grave here
Crack: are you gonna help me or not