An Unforutunate Conclusion
We aren't one no more, I can't have it
Our SA was supposed to be so tight you'd bag it
I guess I'm sentimental now instead of that savage
Well that's how it goes now, while you lie passed it
I keep building parts together of it that I ravage
Never looked the same, having fun in Spain, meeting boys I can't imagine
Never knew it was plastic
The love felt elastic, it was all an act though
Maybe I should start heading back to the bad bros
Or maybe It’s best if I turn on my black mode
You can't see through my pupils because love's a bad joke
Nothing but blame to share
Sad thing is our love didn't get a chance to fare
Maybe we could’ve gone there
You never should've made me crawl back to that lair
You always came back
When did you stop coming back
It's a slow, slow pain
Some how I keep that in
While you say my name
I'm pulling up my chin
We don't know how to fight
Ur eyes somehow mine