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Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore
Shikari (2016)
Mamo Chittey
Mamo Chittey (Duet Version)
Ja Bolo Tai Balo (2015)
Sokatore Oi
Maharaj Eki Saje
O Je Mane Na Mana
Jakhan Esechile Andhokare
Aami Kaan Pete Roi
Kar Milono Chao Birohi
Aami Bahu Basanay
Aaji Jhorer Raate Tomar
Tomay Gaan Shonabo
Ei Je Tomar Prem
Ki Gabo Aami Ki Shonabo
Tomra Ja Bolo Tai Balo
Notun Kore Pabo Bole (2007)
Oi Je Jhorer Megher
Mor Bhabonaarey
Eto Din Jey Boshey Chilem
Tomar Khola Hawaa
Amar Nishitho Rater Badol Dhara
Tomarei Koriachi Jiboner Dhrubotara
Tumi Kon Pothey Je Eley
Fooley Fooley Dholey Dholey
Aaj Josna Raatey
Kon Puraaton Praaner Taaney
Chante (1957)
Le roi et le laboureur
Three Songs of Tagore (1925)
Day after day
Dweller in my deathless dreams
Speak to me, my love!
Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (1914)
When I bring to you colour’d toys
On the day when death will knock at thy door
I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn
On the seashore of endless worlds
Light, my light
Nobel Lectures (1900)
Nobel Lecture in Literature (1913): Banquet Speech (Tagore)
Amar Sonar Bangla
Amar Sonar Bangla
Chirosokha He
Global National Anthems
Jana Gana Mana (India’s National Anthem)
Hawa Bodol (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Mor Bhabonare
Lyric Symphony, Op. 18
Ich bin friedlos, ich bin durstig nach fernen Dingen
Mutter, der junge Prinz muß an unsrer Türe vorbeikommen
Du bist die Abendwolke
National Anthem
Amar Shonar Bangla (Bangladesh’s National Anthem)
Rangiye Diye Jao Go Ebar
Al Na Telech - אל נא תלך
Mamma, il giovane Principe
May Night
Do Not Go, My Love
Egli mormorò
Al Na Telech (2002) אל נא תלך
Parlami amor mio
Era Sukher Lagi
Sprich zu mir Geliebter
Al Na Telech - אל נא תלך
Befrei mich von den Banden deiner Süße, Lieb!
La fine
Последняя поэма (The Last Poem)
Friede, mein Herz
Gram Chara
Hum Aik Hain
A cette heure du départ
A Moment’s Indulgence
Akash Bhara Surja Tara
Aloker Aei Jhorna Dharae
Amar Hiyer Majhe
Amar Sokol Niye Boshe Achi
Anandaloke Mangalaloke
At The Last Watch
At the Well
Baby’s Way
Baby’s World
Beggarly Heart
Bhenge Mor Ghorer Chabi
Brahmā, Vişņu, Śiva
Brink Of Eternity
Broken Song
Chander Hasir Bandh
Closed Path
Clouds and Waves
Colored Toys
Do Not Keep to Yourself
E Pare Mukhor Holo Keka Oi
Eso shyamal sundar
Face To Face
Free Love
Gitanjali No. 1
Give Me Strength
Gram Chhara Oi Ranga Mati Poth
Hard Times
He Whispered, My Love
I Am Restless
I Cast My Net Into The Sea
I Found A Few Old Letters
In The Dusky Path Of A Dream
Innermost One
Jagaao Mere Des Ko
Jodi Prem Dile Na Prane
Journey Home
Keep Me Fully Glad
Leave Off Your Works
Lest I Should Know
Lover’s Gifts LII: Tired of Waiting
Lover’s Gifts LIV: In the Beginning of Time
Lover’s Gifts LVI: The Evening Was Lonely
Lover’s Gifts LVIII: Things Throng and Laugh
Lover’s Gifts LXX: Take Back Your Coins
Lover’s Gifts VIII: There Is Room for You
Lover’s Gifts XIII: Last Night in the Garden
Lover’s Gifts XIX: It Is Written in the Book
Lover’s Gifts XL: A Message Came
Lover’s Gifts XLII: Are You a Mere Picture
Lover’s Gifts XLIII: Dying, You Have Left Behind
Lover’s Gifts XLIV: Where Is Heaven
Lover’s Gifts XLVII: The Road Is
Lover’s Gifts XLVIII: I Travelled the Old Road
Lover’s Gifts XVI: She Dwelt Here by the Pool
Lover’s Gifts XVIII: Your Days
Lover’s Gifts XXII: I Shall Gladly Suffer
Lover’s Gifts XXVIII: I Dreamt
Lover’s Gifts XXXIX: There Is a Looker-On
Majhe Majhe
Mamo Chitte
Maran-Milan (Death-Wedding)
Mon Mor Megher Sangi
My Friend
My Golden Bengal
My Song
My Songs Are Like Bees
Noyon Tomare
Old And New
On the Nature of Love
Paper Boats
Peace, My Heart
Poems On Man
Roaming Cloud
Sail Away
Se taci
Sì, lo so
Signet of Eternity
Silent Steps
Sing the Song of the Moment
Sit Smiling
Song Unsung
Still Heart
Stray Birds 1 - 10
Stray Birds 11- 20
Stray Birds 21- 30
Stray Birds 31 - 40
Stray Birds 81 - 90
Stray Birds 91 - 99
Stream Of Life
Strong Mercy
Tell Me
The Astronomer
The Banyan Tree
The Beginning
The Boat
The Chanpa Flower
The Child-Angel
The End
The First Jasmines
The Flower-School
The Further Bank
The Gardener IV: Ah Me
The Gardener IX: When I Go Alone at Night
The Gardener LIX: O Woman
The Gardener LV: It Was Mid-Day
The Gardener LVII: I Plucked Your Flower
The Gardener LXI: Peace, My Heart
The Gardener LXIV: I Spent My Day
The Gardener LXIX: I Hunt for the Golden Stag
The Gardener LXVIII: None Lives For Ever, Brother
The Gardener LXXIX: I Often Wonder
The Gardener LXXV: At Midnight
The Gardener LXXVI: The Fair Was On
The Gardener LXXXI: Why Do You Whisper So Faintly
The Gardener LXXXIII: She Dwelt on the Hillside
The Gardener LXXXIV: Over the Green
The Gardener X: Let Your Work Be, Bride
The Gardener XI: Come As You Are
The Gardener XIII: I Asked Nothing
The Gardener XIV: I Was Walking by the Road
The Gardener XIX: You Walked
The Gardener XL: An Unbelieving Smile
The Gardener XLII: O Mad, Superbly Drunk
The Gardener XLIII: No, My Friends
The Gardener XLIV: Reverend Sir, Forgive
The Gardener XLV: To the Guests
The Gardener XLVI: You Left Me
The Gardener XLVIII: Free Me
The Gardener XVI: Hands Cling to Eyes
The Gardener XVIII: When Two Sisters
The Gardener XX: Day After Day He Comes
The Gardener XXI: Why Did He Choose
The Gardener XXII: When She Passed by Me
The Gardener XXIV: Do Not Keep to Yourself
The Gardener XXIX: Speak To Me My Love
The Gardener XXVI: What Comes From Your Willing Hands
The Gardener XXVII: Trust Love
The Gardener XXVIII: Your Questioning Eyes
The Gardener XXXIV: Do Not Go, My Love
The Gardener XXXVIII: My Love, Once upon a Time
The Gift
The Golden Boat
The Hero
The Home
The Journey
The Judge
The Kiss
The Land of the Exile
The Last Bargain
The Little Big Man
The Lotus
The Merchant
The morning song of India
The Rainy Day
The Recall
The Sailor
The Source
The Tame Bird Was In A Cage
The Temple of Gold
The Unheeded Pageant
The Wicked Postman
Tomar Khola Haowa Lagiye
Tumi Robe Nirobe
Twelve O’Clock
Unending Love
Ungrateful Sorrow
Untimely Leave
We Are To Play The Game Of Death
We Both Live
When and Why
When Day Is Done
When I Go Alone At Night
When The Two Sisters Go To Fetch Water
Where Is Heaven?
Where is mind without fear
Where Shadow Chases Light
Where the mind is without fear
With a Glance
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