Torching Towers
[Verse 1]
I'm torching towers like it's NYC Harry Twinkle
2929, dropping dorks with ease
In Doomspire, I'm wrecking your high rise dream
Call me Bin Laden. I'm the King Supreme
When I hit the server, it's game over
Lights out, no gleam

[Verse 2]
Yeah I beat kids, and I'm proud of it
My aim is precise like C.J Stroud
Down in the red base, it's a struggle trace
The steps, beat and groom these noobs

[Verse 3]
Yay, when I hit the scene
I'm stealing spleens, Super Ball smack
Got him stuck in between, tricks in the air
Noobs pulling their hair, sniping shots so clean
They're gasping for air

[Verse 4]
Nukan head spinning faster than spinners
I'm cracking their codes, like a five-digit winner
Fuck this racist game, there's a yellow tower
But no white or black one
Say hello to missile, It's Hairy Twinkle 929, the goat
Gonna send your ass on a boat to pilfering pirates
[Verse 5]
Yay, I'm grooming a 12 at once
This game's too light
Squeezy tower crumble, when I'm in the fight
Lemon juice to the eye
I'm showing who's boss
Paintball gun tossed high, watch 'em take the loss
Where Doomspire battles rage
I'm the one to pursue
Dropping chaos from above yay, that what I do