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Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ugly Gang Hymn
KALLY’s Mashup: La Música (Banda Sonora Original de la Serie de TV) (2018)
Worlds Collide
What R U Doin’ Here (Spanglish)
Made for Love
La Casa De Papel: Primera Temporada (Banda Sonora)* (2017)
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, 4th Movement, Presto
Figgatta de Blanc (2016)
Il quinto ripensamento
Glee: The Music, The Complete Season Two (2012)
When I Get You Alone
Lettre à Élise (Interlude)
Glee: The Music Presents the Warblers (2011)
When I Get You Alone
Classics II (2010)
I’m No Angel
The Pick of Destiny (2006)
Cicciput (2003)
Il mercato di Bonn
A Beautiful World (2002)
When I Get You Alone
Songs in A Minor (2001)
Piano & I
Christmas with Yolanda Adams (2000)
Joy Medley (Joy to the World/Angels We Have Heard on High/Hark the Angels Sing/Ode to Joy)
Find Us Faithful (1988)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
An Innocent Man (1983)
This Night
Raffi’s Christmas Album (1983)
Every Little Wish
Charlebois / Je rêve à Rio (1974)
Entre Dorval et Mirabel
Electric Light Orchestra II (1973)
Roll Over Beethoven
Claudio Baglioni (1970)
Despierta (1970)
Himno a la Alegría
Egmont, Op. 84 [Grillparzer] (1831)
Egmont, Op. 84 - Ouvertüre [Grillparzer]
Egmont, Op. 84 - Erster Akt: Lied, Zwischenakt [Grillparzer]
Egmont, Op. 84 - Zweiter Akt: Zwischenakt [Grillparzer]
Egmont, Op. 84 - Dritter Akt: Lied, Zwischenakt [Grillparzer]
Egmont, Op. 84 - Vierter Akt: Marsch, Zwischenakt [Grillparzer]
Egmont, Op. 84 - Fünfter Akt: Musik, Melodram, Siegessymphonie [Grillparzer]
25 Scottish Songs, Op. 108 (1818)
Music, Love, and Wine
O Sweet Were the Hours
The Maid of Isla
The Sweetest Lad Was Jamie
Dim, Dim Is My Eye
Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie
The Lovely Lass of Inverness
Behold, My Love, How Green the Groves
Again, my lyre, yet once again
Enchantress, Farewell
An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98 (1816)
Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend
Wo die Berge so blau
Leichte Segler in den Höhen
Diese Wolken in den Höhen
Es kehret der Maien, es blühet die Au
Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder
6 Gesänge, Op. 75 (1810)
Neue Liebe, neues Leben
Aus Goethes Faust
Gretels Warnung
An den fernen Geliebten
Der Zufriedene
12 Scottish Songs
The Banner of Buccleuch
Duncan Gray
Up! Quit Thy Bower
Ye Shepherds of This Pleasant Vale
Highland Harry
Polly Stewart
Auld Lang Syne
The Quaker’s Wife
Letters I Never Sent.
Moonlight Sonata.
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, 4th Movement, Presto
Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, 4th Movement (English translation)
Just Enough
Song of Joy
Urians Reise um die Welt
Eight Little Notes
キッスは目にして ぽお! (Kiss wa Me ni Shite Po!)
Das Liedchen von der Ruhe
A Song of Joy
Before the King
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Mollys Abschied
This is the End
Angels We Have Heard On High / Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
I Can
Poème Sur La 7ème
給愛麗斯 (To Alice) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
Cutting Room Floor (Interlude)
Das Blümchen Wunderhold
Oh, Sweet Were the Hours
Praise Medley
ヨ・ロ・コ・ビ (Yo・Ro・Ko・Bi)
家門 (Home Is Where Love Resides)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Ode to Joy/Goliath, Goliath
A New Moonlight
Beethoven Drill
The Green Grass of Shiloh
快樂頌 (Ode to Joy)
Bike ( Script)
Hymn to Nations
Rise from the Sea of Flames
Alegato Contra Las Armas
From Beethoven 9 =3EM27=
Pathétique - La tristesse
Green M&M (Beethoven remix)
給愛麗斯 (To Alice)
Rise, O Voices of Richensland
Ode to Joy
Glory to our Fatherland
Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin?
Ah! perfido, Op. 65
An einen Säugling
Ay Işığına Bezenmiş Aşk
BASS vs VIOLIN Epic Battle
Bassthoven [Alternate Hook Demo]
Brave New World
Bundeslied, Op. 122
Choral Fantasy, op. 80
Die Geheime Schokolade
Gott! Welch Dunkel hier!
Heaven’s Illusion
Heiligenstadt Testament
Heiligenstädter Testament
Himno A La Alegría
Ich liebe dich
Inno al Creatore
Jesu dulcis memoria
Johnny Test Theme Song
Moonlight Sonata
Moonlight Sonata (Remix)
Nobody Cares
O Guardião da Receita
O welche Lust
Ode to Joy(Chapman Choir Cover)
Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia
She’ll Never Know
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op.125 ’Choral’: Ode to Joy
Un astro nuovo
Western Michigan Molly
When my hero in court appears
White / Белый
Zärtliche Liebe
孤獨 (Loneliness)