Neil Bartram
Saying Goodbye (Part 1)
(THOMAS selects a story.)
"Goodbye". A story about Thomas
The first time that we said goodbye
We stood by the car for an hour I swear
The usual platitudes hung in the air
The first time that we said goodbye
The first time that we said goodbye
I realized I didn't want Alvin to know
That, secretly, I was excited to go
The first time that we said goodbye
He said he was glad I was leaving
You need this!
He said he'd be fine on his own
I've still got Dad and the store and the nеw fall releases
Hе hugged me
You're wearing cologne?
The weather was changing the leaves in the September sky
But nothing was changing for Alvin
Everything changed
The first time that we said goodbye
(ALVIN selects a story.)
"The Homecoming"
It was Christmas Eve at the bookstore. I'd come home for the holidays with an assignment deadline looming over me...
(THOMAS sits at the table, brooding, unable to write. ALVIN impatiently tries to get THOMAS's attention.)
Let's go outside!
(THOMAS shushes him.)
What are you doing?
No, you're not, there's nothing there
Writing's a process. Words are just the final step
There's gotta be thousands of stories in that head of yours, Tom! Just pick one and write it down!
You have no clue how this works, do you??