There's gotta be thousands of stories in this head of yours, Tom... don't look for one that isn't there
This is it, Tom
This is all there is
And isn't it amazing?
(As ALVIN continues, he refers to individual pages and stories.)
Here we sit, Tom
Forever tossing branches off a bridge
Here, we're frozen at ten
Here, we're awkward young men
And you filed away these memories, bit by bit
Now look again
You wanted a story, Tom
Well, this
All around you
This is it
Just admit, Tom
You expеcted more
But isn't this refrеshing?
This is it, Tom
Sure, it's nothing like the picture on the box
And no secrets exist
In some moment you missed
Just accept that sometimes, pieces might not fit
And that's okay
'Cause all that you needed, Tom
Is here
All around you
This is it
(ALVIn turns THOMAS to look at the shelves.)
Look at them all. Stories about you, stories about me, stories about us... just waiting for you to pick them and write them down
You are a writer
Take what you know
Here there's a lifetime of moments and details
Now you make them blossom and grow
Find what's important
Find what's important
Help it to thrive
Help it to thrive
When you re-arrange them and tell them
You keep all our memories and stories alive
Thousands of stories
Thousands of stories
Constantly new
So our stories remain
Stories remain
Full of laughter and pain
Mixed with Capra and Twain
Told by you
You and me, Tom
This is all we get
And wasn't it exciting
But don't you see, Tom
It isn't really over after all
Just like stones in a lake
And the ripples they make
Stories carry on through time and never quit
It's up to you
This isn't my story now
It's yours
Look around you
This is it
This is you
This is me
This is love
This is life
This is it