Snake Oil/Get Off, Now
Starting to think you get off on this
Like why kick with people, make you feel crazy as shit?
I don't see the appeal, maybe I'm a square
I'll cope by focusing on me, it hurts everywhere

Why'd you have to go and fuck the vibe?
You either working or you bored as shit on couch every night
Hmm, sound like anybody you know?
Keeping things stoic really boring, you know

Like me no wanna talk, such disappointment
Why would I when the sham comes out better than life
It got on my last nerve, now I'm skinny and noided
Steady selling snake oil, one wife happy lifе

We can see your problems
Me and minе see through the trickery
Me no give no fucky what it is this time
Cuz I went through the fire and came out fine

Uh, you can choke

Do it

Messin' around, I know it's none of my biz
Think you keep me tripping up? Don't play with me bitch
Feelin' too lost to keep up with my shit
People like you are what I'm bitching about
Get off, stay off, get off go home
It's too many up in here, what must you play with me for?
I think that you need to go home and talk to god
Lookin' dumb, why you wanna talk in circles, lil bruh?