Mad Men: Popsicle Pitch

PEGGY, KEN, SALVATORE, HARRY, JOHN & TEDDY all seated around a table, DON not present. There are refreshments on the table, PEGGY is seated in the corner next to the advertising board.

JOHN: So where's Don?

KEN: I’m sure you remember Peggy Olsen (turns to Peggy).

KEN (cont’d): She’ll be walking you through this. And when Don climbs out from under the weather-- Don has signed off on all of this.

PEGGY: When I was little, my mother would take a twin pop and break it in half and give one to me and one to my sister. We were completely equal in her eyes. Beloved. Everyone does this with Popsicles, but they may not realize what it means.

PEGGY stands up and walks towards the covered advertising board.

PEGGY (cont’d): It has nothing to do with an ice cream truck on a hot summer day, or the flavor, or the color. It's a ritual. You take it, break it, share it, love it.

PEGGY drops the board’s cover, revealing the advert. The advert shows a picture of a mother handing her son and daughter half a popsicle each, titled “Take It. Break It. Share It. Love It.”

JOHN: People do do that.

PEGGY: This act of sharing, it's what a Popsicle is. It's the same treat from the freezer as it is from the truck. I don't care if it's snowing or hailing or 100 degrees. You can still take it, break it, share it, and love it.

JOHN: I like the way she's handing out the pops. The kids are excited, but the mom reminds me of something.

PEGGY: No, this is original.
JOHN: Well, I can tell you this now, but we wanted something with the word love in it. When asked, the first thing people say is, "I love Popsicles."