Brother Ali
Love & Service
Push em up on platforms
Build em up and clap for em
Ego get attached to em
If they’re expected to do good on our behalf
Warn em about that ticking clock
When that good opinion stop
And the hyenas lick their chops
Your ugly displayed in public
Secular day of judgment
They pick a spot to watch a fallen saint plummet
They love it
Atheists build their hellfire
Anarchists banish you from their empire
If we get a hint of twitter power the question becomes
Will we do bettеr with our thumbs
Than the pigs did with their guns 
Or is it digital po po twelvе 2.0
Harmers and survivors narcissists and traumas
Get caught in that cycle
And start playin cops and robbers
Regardless of your politics
We’re all products of the sickness that we’re tryina fix
Til they decide you’re the embodiment of all of it
Now no more nuance exists
Post a statement bout your disassociation
So the mob don’t come this way
If we no longer embrace em
But now who holds em and sees em
Is this really about growing and healing
Or are we just getting even?
The holy woke and the crazy religious
I rolled with both
And I still don’t see no major difference
It’s all just love and service
If not then what’s the purpose
It comes to surface that
Someone we loved wasn’t perfect
Pull em to shore or push em in the undercurrent
Head down let em drown
Number em amongst the worthless
It’s all just love and service
If not then what’s the purpose

Some say hurt people hurt people
Sometimes hurt people heal people
But the hurt and the healing are still people
That’s a bar from somebody that I loved
That hurt me and a bunch of others
But we never made that public
Bust it
Here’s to the woke and weary
With all that hope and fury
Spoken by a broken poet torn and teary
If I breathe it so sincerely
Am I taking up too much space to propose a theory?
I hope y'all hear me
What if all this judgment is a force field force field
To cover up that loving is a no shield ordeal for real
Love is death and nothing less
If you emerge with unblemished flesh then I'm unimpressed
Promise you’re not defective
This is all protective
We build force fields and fences as defensive measures
But what’s the cost when love is lost
Whether we scorn em or mourn em
Kill or cut em off 
They’re gone from our ranks
Ask the elders that survived
What’s the word in their languages for untribed?
It’s all love and service
If not then what's the purpose
Kindly remind our most beloved justice workers
Sometimes we find the bleeding hearts undernourished
Resist the urge to be judge and juries
It’s all just love and service
If not then what's the purpose

Power and fame joy pain guilt and shame
So easy to be ugly in beauty’s name
It’s all just love and service
If not then what's the purpose