Andy Milonakis
The Superbowl Is Gay
The Super Bowl is gay
The super Bowl is gay
The super Bowl is gay
The Super Bowl, Super Bowl
Super Bowl is gay

The Raiders are gay
The Raiders are so fucking gay
Raiders are so fucking gay
The Raiders are gay

The Bucs are gay
The Bucs are also fucking gay
The Bucs are also fucking gay
The Bucs are also fucking gay
The Bucs are gay

Raiders, gay
The Bucs, gay
Super Bowl, gay
Everything else, gay
Water, gay
Cologne is gay
DVD Players are gay
DVDs are gay
Stray cats are gay
The sky is gay
It's also sometimes grey
But it’s mostly gay
Cottage cheese is gay
Yogurt, gay
Shirts, gay
Vacuum cleaners, gay
Electronic devices, name all of them, are gay
Why are they so gay
Why is everything gay
KFC is gay
McDonalds is gay
McDonalds is gay
You must not misunderstand me when I say McDonalds is gay because it is so gay
Orange juice is gay
Orange juice gay
Orange Juice raped my father
So that makes him gay
So that you know Orange Juice is a male

Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay
I don't want to play with you cause you're gay
I don’t want to play with you cause you're gay
Why don't you go eat hay, you stupid gay
Why don't you go eat KFC which I already told you is gay
That'll make a nice gay couple
Because you're eating KFC and you are so gay
Just like the chicken that you're eating
Put on some calgone you faggot cause your gay
So is the calgone cause everything I know is gay that I know
Dollar Bills, gay
Coins, gay
Monitors are gay
Monitors are gay
Scanners are gay
Zip drives, gay
CD Burners, gay
CD burners are gay
They burn music from [?] cause they're gay
Ay ay ay ay ay
I am not gay
I am not gay
I am not gay
I like girlies
I like girlies
But I like penis so I guess I’m gay
I guess I’m gay
I guess I'm gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, ga
We’re all gay