M.Y. State of Mine

Whats a Magpie to a Songbird?
One you praise one you stay at high alert
One that quardles and one that chirps
One is me and One is Her
One that sings songs of praise and love
The other only breeds these songs of love
One's a prey, One's a predator
And this is my nightly massacre

[Verse: 1]

Personalized Medication
This is my self-preservation
Titled my eradication
Atrocity exhibition
Physical Evaluations
Cranial Inflammations and
Spiritual Invocations and
Internal altercations
Passive non-passive aggressions
Primal infatuations
Emotional cruxifications
So plenty is ma lacerations
Rapid is ma palpitations
Flaccid linguistic inflections
Erect ma other inflections
Salivate from verbal oration
Vision spark like unplanned flashes
Writing is my new sedation
Beats creeping like crepitation
Spread like the onset of rashes
Temples is where he prances
Evoking my temporal sense
In sleep, I cross intersections
Stretching boundaries like fenceless
Look through personal defenses
X-ray and Irradiations
Like UV be causing cancers
Infectious these vaccinations
Abrasive like ulceration
Elucidative detoxification
Creative manifestations
Subliminal Stimulations
And dark is the anesthesia
So death is the liberation
So 6 degrees of Separation
Link like the rings of chelation
Like illuminating constellations
Determine these navigations
Mental irrigation
And ancient propagations
Combinations permutations
Mutation of binary orders
Go around like oscillations
Crossing paths a contradiction
Treacherous expeditions
Into the power of horrors
Bifurcating aortic branches
Subsequent vascular bypasses
And then further complications
Mediated by drugs and doctors
Venus is ma domination
One of ma cardiac afflictions
Satanic exaltations
And formulaic fornications
Fuck all these calculations
And all these other approximations
So this is ma alliteration
She sells sea shells and crustaceans
In other words shes so infectious
So imma take precautious measures
Detonate on all these rappers
Through these here castigations
Though those are not ma aspiration
And these are all ma consultations
[Verse: 2]

Flip a switch reveal whats in the background
When bright falls on shadows from the top down
Fright trips into a state of What Now?
Looking for pages scattered all around town
Is it mine? Alan's? or Finnegan's wake?
As I expound on profound critical takes
With coffee mugs and Breakfast compounds
Such as pancakes, Nutri-Grain, and bread
Was it written just like a Shakespearean script?
Like God's son when he broke his tusk and dipped it in ink
Each page addressed just like a blitz
But at the same time written like sacred hymns
A transmogrification into a pensive snitch
Cursive words soon became a glitch
When I first ran with this I would frequently stitch
Now you could say I'm just a little more fit
So imma delve deeper into this present abyss
That stared back at me and echoed a hiss
Ball ma tears out and turn it into a fist
Throw it up in the sky I would not be dismissed
Through these liberal spans, i reminisce
And transverse, past present and future pits
Like tuts, mudras, and signs from above the wrist
I then face a mirror with ma right palm facing it