Freshy Kanal
Arthur Morgan vs Trevor Phillips
[Verse 1: Arthur Morgan (Shwabadi)]
I know you like denial, but this is brazenly dumb
You should pick better fights but can't change what's done
I'm a headhunter, you're wanted dead or alive
Cut right there on your neck? I'd be mighty obliged
There ain't enough space for the two of us on my route
Gotta teach a druggie 'bout shooting up at high noon
I ride with my crew, yours ties you in a tight noose
Christ, kid, even your own hairline would slight you
It ain't my place to judge whatever business you have
But your mom fucked you up, and you'd fuck her back?
My poor horse would drop from all the baggage you got
So maybe get lost, like this is the mall and I'm your pops
You're too off the rails for a heist, that's your problem
But I've found any trainwreck is probably worth robbing
It eats you alive that Mike crushed all you ever did
This cannibal freak got a taste of his own medicine
[Verse 2: Trevor Phillips (Ethan Connor Condon)]
I'm sorry, cowboy, we acting like we're tough?
Sure you'd take the smoke with that crap inside your lungs?
Wanna get rough, cowboy? Guess we're in luck
You can lick my nuts and pretend I'm Dutch
And tell me, where's the money that he promised you?
Cough it up- Not the blood! FUCK, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
One girl has talked to you that wasn't a prostitute
And she STILL left, only pigs ever wanted you
We both know you shouldn't bring a rat to your cheddar
But what's it to ya? Your stash is a couple cans in the desert
That is your "treasure"? You hipsters in the mountains make me pissed off
Bumfucks don't even have a doorstep I can shit on
[Verse 3: Arthur Morgan (Shwabadi)]
Where do you get off blabbering about attraction?
You don't get a passing glance from gals 'til you kidnap 'em
I wouldn't ever cave and be a stooge for the government
There's more bits of brain on your boot than your fuckin' head
I don't like to hold grudges and yet you're under my skin
Vengeance is a fool's game but so is lettin' you live
Let's finish what's started, can I get a witness protection?
I got bullets for your name and no more Brad-skull to catch 'em
[Verse 4: Trevor Phillips (Ethan Connor Condon)]
What a brave guy tryna pay for his crimes
While his wife died for less than the change on her eyes
Drop the nice guy polite pick-me act, you fuckhead
Draggin' bodies through nature with that shiny moral compass
'Cause fuck that! Honor's an excuse to die broke
I'd sell your heart of gold and use that light dough to buy smokes
You're at the end of my rope, so keep your lasso strapped
I'd drag your ass until you really get to see Tahiti and back
Wanna get wasted? I got rounds you drown in
So when you go to hell, tell Lenny that you found him