We’re the actinide metals on the periodic table
When you go to Group three and period seven you are able
To discover where we are, and what we’re made of
Now let’s sing along and remember all the above!
[Verse 1]
I'm actinium, my symbol is "Ac"
My atomic number's eight-nine, an actinide is what I be!
Two hundred twenty-seven is my atomic mass
And I am radioactive like other elements in my class
My name is thorium, my symbol is "Th"
My atomic number's ninety, two-thirty-two is my atomic weight
I am radioactive, but I as also used
To coat tungsten filaments used in electronics too
I'm protactinium, my symbol is "Pa"
My atomic number's ninety-one, two-thirty-one's my atomic weight
Also radioactive like my two pals you've just met
I’m poisonous, expensive and very rare to get
Hello I'm uranium, my symbol is "U"
My atomic weight's two-thirty-eight, my atomic number's ninety-two
I am radioactive and I'm commonly used
In nuclear power to create the electricity, it's true!
I’m Neptunium, my symbol's "Np"
Two-thirty-seven's my atomic weight, my atomic number's ninety-three
I'm radioactive and when bombarded with neutrons
I'm used to produce the element plutonium
I'm plutonium, my symbol is "Pu"
My atomic number's ninety-four
My atomic weight's two-forty-four, that's true!
I'm used in space probes that travel to far from the sun
To use the solar power needed to get the job done
I'm americium my symbol is "Am"
My atomic number's ninety-five, two-forty-three's my atomic weight, my friend!
I was named for the Americas and have little use
I'm used as a portable gamma ray, and in a smoke detector too
We’re the actinide metals on the periodic table
When you go to Group three and period seven you are able
To discover where we are, and what we’re made of
Now let’s sing along and remember all the above!
[Verse 2]
My name is cerium, my symbol is "Cm"
My atomic number's ninety-six, two-forty-seven's my atomic weight's blend
Only small amounts of me have ever been produced
I am primarily researched for scientific use
I am berkelium, my symbol is "Bk"
My atomic number's ninety-seven, two-forty-seven's my atomic weight
I am artificially produced in small amounts
I am radioactive too, so take that into account!
I'm californium, my atomic number's ninety-eight
"Cf" is my symbol, two-fifty-one's my atomic weight
I was named for California, and the College of UC
Few compounds of me have been produced, and studied
I’m einsteinium, my atomic number's ninety-nine
My atomic weight's two-fifty-two, "Es" is my symbol, so fine!
I was named after the scientist Albert Einstein
Discovered in 1952, then my name was assigned
I'm fermium, my symbol is "Fm"
My atomic number's one hundred, atomic weight's two-fifty-seven
I was discovered by Albert Ghiorso
From studying debris from the first hydrogen bomb, you know?
I’m mendelevium, my symbol is "Md"
My atomic number's one-o-one, two-fifty-eight's my atomic weight, see?
I was named after a Russian scientist
Named Dmitri Mendeleev, I hope you got all of this!
I'm nobelium, my atomic number's one-o-two
My atomic weight's two-fifty-nine, "No" is my symbol too
I was named after the scientist Alfred Nobel
Most famous for inventing dynamite, now isn’t that swell!
My name’s lawrencium, my symbol is "Lr"
My atomic number's one-o-three, two-sixty-two's my atomic weight by far
I was named after the scientist Ernest Lawrence
Winning the Nobel Prize for the cyclotron, that’s pretty intense!
We’re the actinide metals on the periodic table
When you go to Group three and period seven you are able
To discover where we are, and what we’re made of
Now let’s sing along and remember all the above!