The River
When I speak the words I repeat
Are lost within this roaring
And when I call your eyes turn to me
But what are they exploring?
Hidden shapes that pass fast away
Upon the waters streaming
And what I see I just cannot say
There is no one to heed me

I could say that I am sorry
But what forgiveness lies before me?
In the river, in the river
In the river, in the river

Those who know me know all too well
All my sins and failings
But brother dear, how could I tell?
The course that I was sailing

In the flood, before my eyes
I see the face that I despise
In the river, in the river
In the river, in the river
It's mine, it's mine
Drifting far away
I can see you're not very strong
As the current sweeps you past me
And I can see your head going down
As helpless your cries find me
Help me! Save me! Lend me a hand!
Pull me out! Pull me out!
Save me! Save me! Give me your hand!
Pull me out! Pull me out!

I would save you, give my life
But it's already sacrificed
To the river, to the river
To the river, to the river
It's gone, it's gone
Drifting far away

Mothers tell your children the truth
Don't hide the fate that's waiting
When you're born you start to drown
There is no help, no safety

First a gift of love is given
Then the winds rise, the sails are riven
In the river, in the river
In the river, in the river
It's gone!