Song for John Walker
[Intro: Pedestrian]
There's a little Johnny Walker Lindh in every Meadow Creek Middle School
And when the rap tape grows up
Each wave topples at first wind before the self settles in the body

[Hook: Dose & Why?]
The names of prominent families
Carry no weight in foreign cities
And even the sons of senators
Receive no welcome outside the States
The names of prominent families
Carry no weight in foreign cities
And even the sons of senators
Receive no welcome outside the States

[Verse 1: Dose]
We hold these truths to be self-evident
Once a-fucking-gain we got a dollar model president
Carving his face up for the cover of the next new nickel
Combing every cotton coil of his inner white wig
Curling perfect sers to his own thin lips in the mirror
Working on his Contrapposto for stone
Oh yeah whitey, you got empire guilt

[Bridge: Why? & Dose]
We know John Walker, we know John Booth
Waste our days swatting this single song
At a long line of Yale and bones born old men
We know John Walker, we know John Booth
Waste our days swatting this single song
At a long line of Yale and bones born old men