It’s Gonna Be Amazing
I'll wear my new pink boots in Central Park, I just can't wait
I'll feed the sea lions and everyone will think I'm great
It's gonna be amazing

Can't wait to rock the Rockefeller Center Skating Rink
I'll do a double axel betcha I won't even blink
It's gonna be amazing

So here I go right to the zoo

There on the ice I'll be spinning and spinning

It's gonna be my dream come true

Every minute custom-made for me

This will be my perfect Christmas

Can't wait to go hang out with Zoe and I'll hear her band
I'm gonna stream them live, so everyone can see first hand
They really are amazing
I'm gonna see a Broadway show on 42nd Street
I can't believe Aunt Millie got me in a front row seat
It's gonna be amazing

They hit the stage, they play all night

The lights are down and the curtain is rising

It's gonna be my dream come true

Every minute custom-made for me

This will be my perfect Christmas

But the coolest of all
Is the band's gonna sing
A song that I wrote
Every word every note
Then they'll call me on stage
And I'll take a bow
And the crowd goes crazy
I can see it now
So here I go

A front row seat

There on the ice

They hit the stage

The lights go down

And I'm spinning and spinning

They play all night

Right to the zoo

A Broadway show
Won't even blink

I see it now

And it's gonna be amazing
I'm gonna see

I'm gonna see

My dream come true

My dream come true

Every minute custom-made for me

This will be my perfect Christmas

This will be my perfect Christmas

This will be my perfect Christmas

This will be my perfect Christmas

This will be my perfect Christmas

This will be my perfect Christmas

My perfect Christmas