Original Off-Broadway Cast
Finale (”A Little Complex”)
Thank you, Abby, that was so helpful!

Hi, girls! I just sold that Hummable Melody song! I'll pay the rent!

Oh, Billy! Let's all go tell Jitter we're sorry- uh, grateful!

Then we'll all go have a little drink!

Warily, they stroll along to Jitter's apartment

My hour of revenge has come. They must all die, so my art can live! But how much longer can I wait?

The end is near
I will persevere
God, make me patient-

[The "doorbell" rings]

Don't bother
They're here

That's when he murdered the three helpless tenants
Jitter's in jail - now he's doing his penance
He turned them all into objets d'art
All right, so the plot got a little bizarre

This gory story of art and crime
Is more ridiculous than sublime
But luckily, this is the very last rhyme!

('Till next time.)