​eli. (USA)
Something more
Found my something more
It was with my Lord
Wasn't living for
The right, the right, the right

Never knew what it meant to be loved
Until i found you
Lived a life that left me without want
Until i fell through
And i realized that the answers were always there
But it wasn't the right, the right, the right time

I would have not have been able to glorify your name
In the same way that i can now
This is how God uses even our sins for good
Everything we meant for bad, he meant for good

Back whеn i was a kid, just destroying my lungs
Needed you to show me what it mеant to be loved
I think of all the people that i turned away
Living their life, their life, their life
The wrong way

It's an obligation
I'm a slave to Christ
Undoing the wrong i did
My faith has changed my life
For the better- i'm not who i was then
And all the things i've felt now
In the arms of my Creator