Thomas Hardy
The Memorial Brass: 186-
        "Why do you weep there, O sweet lady,
        Why do you weep before that brass? -
(I'm a mere student sketching the mediaeval)
        Is some late death lined there, alas? -
Your father's? . . . Well, all pay the debt that paid he!"

        "Young man, O must I tell!—My husband's! And under
        His name I set mine, and my DEATH! -
Its date left vacant till my heirs should fill it,
        Stating me faithful till my last breath."
- "Madam, that you are a widow wakes my wonder!"

        "O wait! For last month I—remarried!
        And now I fear 'twas a deed amiss.
We've just come home. And I am sick and saddened
         At what the new one will say to this;
And will he think—think that I should have tarried?

        "I may add, surely,—with no wish to harm him -
        That he's a temper—yes, I fear!
And when he comes to church next Sunday morning,
        And sees that written . . . O dear, O dear!
- "Madam, I swear your beauty will disarm him!"