It’s Raining
*Rain pours down onto the house.*

Micheal's friend - "It's raining."

Micheal - "Yeah..yeah it is. So, are you going to leave dude because its 2 AM and everyone else has gone home so-"

Micheal's friend - "The pizza is going to be cold."

Micheal - "I-I'm sorry, pizza?"

Micheal's friend - "Guaranteed 30 minutes or its free."

Micheal - "Are you trying to tell me somethin'?"

Micheal's friend - "That's a guaranteed 30 years in therapy when I bite down into a cold slice of fresh pizza."

Micheal - "Is this because I wouldn't play Twister with you?"

Micheal's friend - "It's been 31 minutes. That's disappointment. THAT'S COLD PIZZA."

*Knocking on door*

Micheal's friend - "Go ahead, open it-no, i'll open it for you."
Micheal - "Wow, uh...anchovies that's uh- that's a trope.

Micheal's friend - "Look again. anchovies and pineapple."
"Everything I touch turns to waste. Everything I waste gets recycled."

*Micheal's friend cocks his gun* "Get in the pizza van Micheal-"

Micheal - "Woah woah-hey hey hey what are you doing? Put the gun do-"

Micheal's friend - "The van Micheal, GET IN THE VAN!"

*Music plays on the radio*

Micheal - "Y'know man, I hate this song...lemme just...turn it off."

Micheal's friend - "You like the Bee Gees Micheal?

Micheal - "Um, not particularly-"

Micheal's friend - "Name one of their albums, go ahead, any one of them."

Micheal - "I can't relate-"

Micheal's friend - "Parallel parking, you know how to parallel park?"
Micheal - "No, I mean-"

Micheal's friend - "Exactly...its a myth created by the C.I.A. to trick us into chasing the illusive dream of attempting to perfect symmetry. We can't play God, Micheal. God is the meter maid, and your time is up."

Micheal- " No-I-I'm sorry, where are we going again?"

Micheal's friend - "Oh we're here."

*They get out*

Micheal - "So, I mean what-what exactly are we doing he-"

Micheal's friend-"You feeling limper Micheal?"

*Micheal spots a Twister mat on the ground*

Micheal - "Bu- Really man? Really? You brought me all the way out here in the middle of the play Twister?- I knew it, I knew it!"

Micheal's friend - "Go ahead Micheal, spin the dial."

Micheal - "No, I'm not spinning the dial."

Micheal's friend - "Spin the dial, Micheal."

*Micheal spins the dial*
Micheal - "Left foot to red, are you happy?"

Micheal's friend - "Look again."

*Micheal checks one last time to reveal that it says "We're not friends anymore."*

Micheal's not so friend - "Yeah, how does that make you feel?"

*Micheal starts tearing up about to cry*

Micheal's not so friend - "That's what I thought you little bitchh."