Downtown Mountport Interlude (Buskers)
[BUSKER #1] (sung)
Why do they call me a busker? I don't even know that word

[BUSKER #2] (spoken)
Hey man, this is my corner!

[BUSKER #1] (spoken)

Two buskers go head to head!

[BUSKER #2] (sung)
You know why they call me a busker, Do you know?

[BUSKER #1] (sung)
I don't, please answer

I shouldn't even have to say it

Well, just say it!

But I definitely know
And on the top of Mountport's only skyscraper
We meet our villain

[TINA] (breathing)

Allow them to introduce themselves

[TINA] (spoken)
It's me..., Tina... Johnson...
The nastiest woman in all of Mountport
I used to be in a big old tree
And I said to myself
"That's not high enough!"
"I can't be as mean as I want to be in a tree!"
"I must move to a skyscraper"