A Juicy Story
Well I’ve got a juicy story
Just wait until you hear
Madam Percheron once had a beau
Count Appaloosa was his name
She’s got his picture in a frame
I think they were engaged once years ago

So here’s my juicy story
My neighbour dyed her hair
Instead of blonde it turned an awful green!

I heard her hair fell out in clumps
'Cause she came down with the mumps
And now her family’s under quarantine!

I heard a rumour that
Dazzle has a boyfriend
He sings with the Cleveland Bays or so I heard

At school you should've seen the boys
They jumped around and made such noise
Poor Miss Hackney misspelled a word!
Have you got a juicy story?

You know that stuck up pony?
Who acts like she’s so smart?
Well I heard today in math she got a D!

To share these stories is such fun
It’s fun to share with everyone
Gossip that’s as juicy as can be
Oh I am in my glory when I hear a juicy story
So long as it’s not about me
So long as it’s not about me!