Fan: Hey yo... Hey yo, BILL! Yo, BILL! Yo, what's good, my n***a!

GORILLA NEMS: Ah, man... Your hands is mad wet bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Fan: You know, you know...

GORILLA NEMS: Know what?

Fan: You know man, people get excited you know...

GORILLA NEMS: Fuck you excited for, man?

Fan: You know man, people when they see they idol!

GORILLA NEMS: You know the fucking vibes, man, my hands are still wet, you got a napkin?

Fan: Nah man, but you can use my shirt!

GORILLA NEMS: Nah man, I'm good, I don't wanna touch that bum-ass shit, man!

Fan: Yo BILL, you wanna hit this? Wanna hit this? Wanna hit this?

GORILLA NEMS: Nah man, I don't smoke weed, get outta here with that. I ain't smoke in ten fucking years, bro

Fan: My bad, my bad. But BILL, that Cannibal Hulk, that shit changed my life, man...
GORILLA NEMS: Yo Cannibal Hulk is a fire album, but I'm not ILL BILL, homie. My name is GORILLA fucking NEMS. Fuck is wrong with you?

Fan: Awwww man, aw man, I'm so fucking stupid man, it's just that you guys look like twins, man! Twins, man!

GORILLA NEMS: Bro, we don't look nothing alike, I'm way better looking than that n***a!

Fan's girlfriend: I think BILL is WAY cuter!

GORILLA NEMS: Yo, you bugging, shorty!

Fan: I know babe... Hey, can you take a picture with me and my girl?

GORILLA NEMS: Only if I can put my hand on her tits!

Fan: Anything for you, BILL! I mean, NEMS!

GORILLA NEMS: Yo, you homie... Fuck your picture, get the fuck off the block, man. FUCK YA LYFE!