Gord Downie
Coco Chanel No. 5
I could tell the truth
Or I could tell a lie
Or say the right thing
At the right time

[Verse 1]
We started out writing good letters back and forth
Me in Memphis recording
Yours were scented with Coco No. 5
We wrote stimulating things

I could tell the truth
Or I could tell a lie
Or say the right thing
At the right time

[Verse 2]
Like I miss you so much in person and up close
When we fucked till we fought
Away from each other, we could manage to see
Just what it was that we got

[Verse 3]
In absentia, we were better off
Finding new places to stand
Finding new signs of resignation
For the wishes we shared
I could tell the truth
Or I could tell a lie
Or say the right thing
At the right time