Genius English Translations
HEIZE - 내 맘을 볼수 있나요 (Can You See My Heart?) (English Translation)
Can you see my heart?
I'm the only one you've got
I'll be behind you
One step back

You don't know my heart
I have tears in my eyes
It hurts to see you
Love to be alone

There's a place where I'll have to go back
I'll walk alone
I'm sad

Are you pretending not to know?
The day I'm with you
Even if you cry out hard
It's a sound of mind

There's a place where I'll have to go back
I'll walk alone, I'm sad
There's a place where I'll have to go back
I'll walk back alone, I'm sick like that

Woo Woo Woo
I feel sad
Why I'm not
Love is so close and so far
Your heart is