Genius English Translations
Camilo - El Mismo Aire (English Translation)
If you want to, throw away my notebooks
If you want to, delete my phone number
If you want to, burn my letters
A bonfire, let's see if you can heat up
What I couldn't with my kisses
And the hugs that I never knew to give you
We went from saying, "I love you"
To not being able to say, "Hey, how are you?"

You and I went from being everything to nothing
From being intimate with our gaze
And now we are face to face
And you can't even look me in the face
We lived mouth to mouth
Our lips didn't want to let go
And now here in the same room
We can't breathe the same air

Take the rug
Take my life that you gripped like a toy
Take those rings that implicate us
Even if I didn't want to lose you, I'd say, "Leave"
But the one who leaves is me
And when I leave I'll take the clock
To take with me the time I spent with you, so it wasn't lost
All the memories I take with me
You and I went from being everything to nothing
From being intimate with our gaze
And now we are face to face
And you can't even look me in the face
We lived mouth to mouth
Our lips didn't want to let go
And now here in the same room
We can't breathe the same air

If you want to, throw away my notebooks
If you want to, delete my phone number
If you want to, burn my letters
A bonfire, let's see if you can heat up

You and I went from being everything to nothing
From being intimate with our gaze
And now we are face to face
And you can't even look me in the face
We lived mouth to mouth
Our lips didn't want to let go
And now here in the same room
We can't breathe the same air